A day with Michael Shermer in Romania

Sep 10, 2009

Insula indoielii (thanks, Google!) are cateva informatii de insider cu privire la Michael Shermer si conferinta din Bucuresti:

But I wanted to write about the intermediary experience, what I’ve noticed of Michael when not in “scientist mode”.

I noticed he was gracious and kind with everyone we met, and enjoying what he saw as new and exciting about Romania, I saw him wondering why our wiring is so backwards, and having a sip of our beers. I’ve had lunch with him, and he enjoyed our cabbage rolls “sarmale”in grape leaves.

But the greatest thing I’ve learned is the way he was a skeptic about what we were telling him as hosts. I saw him ask the same question several times to different people, perhaps to get a better understanding or better yet, to make sure nobody was bullshiting him.

Cititi intregul articol aici.

Nu siu daca mai are rost sa repovestesc cum a fost conferinta, deoarece se va pune pe net intreaga seara filmata si isi va putea forma fiecare propria parere. Pe scurt, Shermer mi s-a parut o persoana foarte simpatica, prezentarea a fost inspiratoare, dar informatiile nu erau nimic nou pentru cei care misuna prin blogosfera ateista.

Va las cu un clip Low Quality cu inceputul prezentarii:

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In afara de Insula indoielii s-a mai scris despre conferinta pe atei.ro si pe metropotam.


Radu Ciocan said...

probabil esti si tu prin poze ;)

Anonymous said...

Hey, eu ce caut in poza la tine pe blog? :P O sa fiu excomunicat!! Ce ma fac? You owe me salvation!

happyateista said...

Ofer servicii de cenzura. Iti lipesc o masca cu Guy Fawkes pe fata, daca vrei, doar sa-mi spui unde.:D

Sep 16, 2009, 2:47:00 AM  

happyateista said...

...aaah, nu pe fata ta proprie si personala, desigur. Ma exprim si eu ciudat. :P

Sep 16, 2009, 2:48:00 AM  

Anonymous said...

Milady, de ce nu erai tu in blogroll-ul meu?
Odd indeed.

happyateista said...

Nu sunt nicio roscata din propriile mele poze, daca la asta te referi, sorry to disappoint.
I'm this mongrel: http://i35.tinypic.com/r74wih.gif

Sep 19, 2009, 10:48:00 AM  

Adi said...

Ma intrebam ce o fi asa importanta la Shermer ala...de trebuie sa scrii dupa 1 an, dar apoi am remarcat ca pe acest blog nu s-a mai publicat nimic din septembrie:))

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